Pet Fishes
Explore the captivating world of pet fish and learn what defines them, their unique personalities, and tips for their care and happiness.

(Kawkab Nadim)
(Engineer and Pets Owner)
I have a passion for animals and love taking care of pets. That’s why I also operate several blogs about pet and animal husbandry.
Willing to have pet fish? That’s a delightful desire! But before unveiling the captivating world of pet fishes, you have to know what ‘pet’ fish means.

A fish deserving a nickname of its own can be the most basic definition of a ‘pet’ fish. I am referring to the fish that go by names like Nemo, Finley, Mr. Bubbles, Nebula, and so on. So, these fish are genuinely “pet fish“.
Let’s discover the amazing world of pet fishes – it will make you really curious!
Where Do Pet Fishes Come From?
Ever wonder where the pet fishes originate from? Nowadays, fish farms mostly in Florida and South Asia raise the bulk of freshwater species.
However, approximately 10% of fish sold in mainly aquarium stores are still gathered in Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, the Amazon River Basin and other regions in the world.
Among the most well-known is the Paracheirodon axelrodi or Cardinal Tetra, which is found in South America’s Orinoco Rivers and Rio Negro.
The majority of marine fish are captured from the wild, except a few species. Those are- dottybacks, a few clownfish, blennies, gobies and also seahorses.
What’s the Ideal Habitat of Pet Fish?
Pet fish thrive in tanks with specific parameters for hardness, pH values and temperature. They can survive in various environments and require careful care.
Plants in aquariums help restore native habitats and filter water but cannot be enough.

A good water filter is essential for multiple fish or frequent pooping. Substrates, such as rocks, pebbles, or sand, affect fish that enter and are near the tank’s mid- and top levels, as many pet fish prefer to swim there.
Aquarium Source recommends breathable and secure lids for fish tanks, as they can fall out. Water heaters are essential for tropical climates.
What Types of Fishes Can Be Kept as Pets?
There are many types of fish that can be kept as pets. Let me show you a table containing the types of fish that can be kept as pets with habitat conditions and examples.
Types of Fish | Required Condition | Name of Fishes |
Cold Water Fish | 1. Cold water between 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit due to their size 2. Suitable tank size considering their activity level 3. pH level between 6.5 to 7.5 | Koi, Goldfish, Clown Killifish, etc. |
Tropical Freshwater Fish | 1. Water between 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit 2. Best for 10-gallon aquariums 3. Suitable tank with heating and filtration | Betta Fish, Tetras, Mollies, etc. |
Tropical Brackish Fish | 1. Water between 76 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit 2. Appropriate tank size with filtered water 3. pH level between 7.8 to 8.4 | Figure 8 Puffer, Archer, Cichlids, Catfish, etc. |
Tropical Saltwater Fish | 1. Water between 76 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit 2. Appropriate tank size considering the adult size of the fish species 3. pH level between 8.1 to 8.4 | Ocellaris Clownfish, Coral Beauty angelfish, Firefish, etc. |
Interested in learning more about pets animal? Read our article covering important details about different types of pets, including their care, nutrition and more!
The Fishes That Are Easiest to Take Care
You may want to know as a beginner which fish are the easiest to take care of. Let’s discover!
Standard Goldfish
Goldfish are a popular choice for beginners, with comet, shubunkin, and sarasa species being the most common. As goldfish grow, they need 20 liters of water per fish and should be fed pellets to minimize waste.
Betta Fish
I have already mentioned betta fish before. You’ll be excited to know that this fish is so easy to keep as a pet for beginners.
Neon Tetras
It is another one to be kept easily as a pet. Neon tetras, despite their small size, add vibrant blue and red streaks to freshwater aquariums.
Harlequin Rasbora
The harlequin rasbora is a popular and easy-to-care rasbora species. They thrive in community aquariums with similar-sized fish and schooling in groups of four to six.
There are many other fishes like mollies, platys, zebrafish, cory catfish, cherry bard, etc. These are so easy to take care of for beginners who are willing to keep fish as pets.
What Can You Feed Your Pet Fishes?
Purchase appropriate fish food flakes for a balanced diet and enrichment, as nutrient amounts may vary. Add additional meals for added nutrition. Don’t buy your goldfish tropical fish flakes, for instance.
Some fish eat seeds and vegetables, others eat fruit flies and plankton; some fish seek for food, while others scavenge for it.

Tropical fish eat various foods, including frozen fish, mashed egg yolk, lettuce leaves, potatoes, wood scraps, brine shrimp, and water fleas.
Goldfish prefer chopped veggies like spinach and peas, while pleco species require potatoes or wood scraps.
Which Foods Should You Avoid Feeding Your Pets?
Many fish are adversely affected by fat, therefore when buying food for your fish, make sure to check the fat levels.
Frequent feedings of leftover beef, pork, or even chicken can lead to the accumulation of fat around the heart of your fish.
Any kind of prepared food that you would like, including pizza, french fries, processed meats (canned or deli), cooked meats and veggies with seasoning, sauces, or dressing, are all off limits.
Also, you have to avoid bread or dog food and buy fish food that has suitable nutrition for your fish.
How to Take Care of Your Pet Fish?
Preventing sickness in the first place is the greatest approach to take care of your fish’s health! Among the ways you can accomplish this are:
- You have to supply a superior diet
- Any fresh or sick fish must be quarantined
- You should keep a regular cleaning, water-change, and filter-replacement routine
- Also, you have to keep an eye on the water’s quality
- Ensure the tank is free of bullies
- Stop frightening your fish with abrupt changes in aquarium temperature and noisy sounds
- Water temperature, particularly for tropical species, should be between 60° and 75°F.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have more curiosity about pet fish? Uncover answers to common queries with our FAQs.
1. How long your pet fish can survive without food?
Fish can survive for three days up to two weeks without food. But if you are away, don’t expect them to survive independently. Ensure your fish have enough food for a long weekend or month.
2. Can fish survive without oxygen?
Yes. Some fishes can survive without oxygen because of their special ability. Some of them breathe or absorb atmospheric oxygen through their skin or mouth, such as walking catfish, mudskippers, electric eels, etc.
3. What is the average lifespan of Pet fish?
Aquarium fishes like hatchetfish and tetras have a five-year life span. Goldfish and catfish can live up to ten years in the wild. Fish that bear life, such as platyfish, mollies, and guppies, have relatively shorter lifespans – between three and five years.
At last, we can say that the journey of caring for pet fish is gratifying and satisfying. They’re fun companions because of their vivid colors, distinct personalities, and ability to bring calmness into your area.
Never forget to give your aquatic community the proper conditions, a healthy diet, and careful attention. If you are a beginner, read this article again to know about your fish pet’s proper treatment, habitat and ways of taking care.